An Artic blast is hitting the Ozarks!

Temperatures will be lucky to reach 20 degrees today. Now is the time to make sure your water pipes don’t break and freeze up.

To avoid costly plumbing service calls, here are some tips to keep your pipes from freezing.

  • Keep your cabinet doors open.
  • Leave the heat on, even when you’re not home. Keep the heat at 60 degrees or above.
  • Let your faucets drip or have a light stream, to keep the water flowing.
  • Heat tape or a pipe sleeve can help to insulate pipes.

If your pipes are frozen and you don’t have water, this is what you should do.

  • Know where your emergency shutoff valve is located so you can use it.
  • Slowly thaw a frozen pipe with heat. A hairdryer works great.
  • Contact a plumber for help thawing.
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