It signals the start of another fishing season in the Ozarks! I know many of you fish year around. I wish I had that kind of resolve. For me, those early spring days up a river is where and when my fishing season starts. It’s a great time to get outdoors and a perfect chance to take the kids. When conditions are right, you can catch a bunch in a short amount of time, and in some places, a boat isn’t required to have success.

Most springs, the white bass start moving into the tributaries to spawn in late March. It appears to be a bit behind schedule this season. The recent cooler weather has moved things back a couple of weeks so if you’ve not made it out yet, there’s still time. That red bud tree in the background of this picture is the best sign that “it’s time.” Another key is current. A few days after a “gully washer” is better. The warmer rain water and runoff helps pull the whites upstream. The added color in an Ozarks stream helps too. Below dams, under bridges, or any place where the river is constricted helps congregate spawning white bass. They’re hard fighters too! Add in some current, and you’re in for a good time!

Not much tackle is required either. A lite action spinning rod and reel or spin-casting outfit will do the trick. A handful of Roadrunners, Rooster Tails, or crappie jigs, is all you need. White or shad colored baits usually work best. So gather up the kids, an ole fishing buddy, or whomever, and head up stream! Spring is back and there’s no better way to celebrate it’s return than white bass fishing.

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