Ketchup is a popular condiment and some of you will put it on almost anything. In a resent survey, meatloaf and eggs are no exception. However, there are a few foods that are much less likely to encounter a pairing. Take a look and see where you fit in with the findings.

1.  Grilled cheese . . . 37% said they’d do it.

2.  Tacos . . . Only 8% said they could get behind that.

3.  Rice . . . 14% said they’d do it.

4.  Pasta . . . 14% said they’d do it.

5.  Salad . . . Only 3% said they could get behind that.

6.  Scrambled eggs . . . 56% said they do it all the time.

7.  Popcorn . . . Only 4% said they could get behind that.

8.  Meatloaf . . . 73% said they thought it was normal.

9.  Cake . . . Only 1% said they’d try it, depending on the cake.  (???)
