The little things can have big returns on relationships.  A recent poll found the top keys to a happy relationship include being silly around each other. Even arguing twice a month is a good thing. Here are the top ten from the list:


1.  Spending lots of quality time together.

2.  Taking care of each other when you’re sick.

3.  Feeling like you can be yourself with them.

4.  Encouraging them to pursue their own hobbies and interests.

5.  You let them see you at your best, and worst.

6.  Cuddling.

7.  Being respectful to them in front of other people.

8.  Making regular plans together.

9.  Being proud of their achievements.

10.  Being silly with each other.

A few others on the long list were, sharing a sense of humor, trying new things together, splitting chores and responsibilities evenly, and remembering important occasions, like Valentine’s Day.