“Once Upon A Time: A Captivating Musical” will be performing at the Springfield Little Theater education, on Friday and Saturday.

Aaron Watson Midnight Rodeo 7 pm tickets still available

Owl Prowl at Lake Springfield 5:30-6:30 and 7- 8 pm  $5.00 ENTRY

Wood burning and Charcuterie Class at wonders of wildlife begins at 6pm. Admission prices vary.


Game Day MSU Ice Bears VS University of Oklahoma  at the Jordan Valley ce Park- the puck drops at 5:05 pm

Farmer’s Market of the Ozarks  8 am to 1 pm at 2144 E. Republic road

Greater Springfield Garage Sale and Marketplace at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds  Saturday 9 am to 6pm  and Sunday 10 a- 4 pm Jewelry, antiques, furniture, collectables… tickets $5.00 at the door Kids 12 and under free.