Get ready for stop and go traffic issues as roadwork continues in the Ozarks. Here is what you need to be aware of:

Starting today the bridge over WB 1-44 at the 64.2 MM will have MoDOT work crews out building crossover lanes in the median. Once the new lanes are completed work will start on demolishing the existing bridge so a new bridge can be built.  Construction crews will also add new barrier walls, guardrail at the ends of the bridge, and new permanent striping.

What to expect:

  • Drivers can expect traffic reduced to one lane on westbound I-44 during nighttime hours (7 p.m.-7 a.m., Monday-Sunday) while contractor crews build crossover lanes in the median
  • Speed limit reduced to 60 mph through the work zone during single-lane configuration
  • All westbound I-44 lanes OPEN to traffic during daytime hours
  • When crossover lanes are completed, westbound Pickerel Creek bridge will CLOSE and both westbound I-44 lanes will be shifted to the eastbound Pickerel Creek bridge
  • Two lanes of traffic in each direction will be maintained in this configuration for the duration of the project, which is expected to last until late fall 2023
  • Signs and message boards will alert drivers approaching the work zone
  • Drivers should consider alternate routes during the project
  • Check MoDOT’s Traveler Information Map for road closings/traffic impacts


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