Road Closed

City Utilities crews are conducting a water main repair. Campbell Avenue is closed between Chestnut Expressway and Central Street. The roadway is planned to be closed through 5 p.m. Tuesday, February 15.

Good Habits to Have

The idea of forming new habits can be daunting. However, if they're simple enough they can be easy to stick to. Here are a five easy habits to add to your day that might make you healthier for it.

1.  Write down something you're grateful for.  Starting your day by being thankful can put you in a better mood, and writing it down is even better.  In one study, there was a noticeable effect when people did it every day for two weeks.

2.  Drink a glass of water.  It doesn't matter if you sip it or chug.  Just start your day by hydrating.  It's important because we tend to get dehydrated while we sleep.

3.  Make your bed.  It's easy to get lazy and skip it, but it only takes a minute or two, and studies show it can make you more focused and task-oriented all day.

4.  Get some sun.  Go outside, or just open your shades.  More and more research supports the idea that getting some sunlight in the morning is good for us.  Especially this time of year when Seasonal Affective Disorder is an issue.

5.  Get some sort of exercise, even if it's just stretching.  Engaging your body for as little as five minutes can make a difference.


Valentine Trivia

A Boston pharmacist invented a machine to make medical lozenges. This was how conversation hearts got their start, as medical lozenges. Then the pharmacist switched to making circular candies with it.  This was in 1847.  In 1866, his brother came up with the idea to print messages on the candies.  So in 1902, they became heart-shaped.

Missouri's Favorite Candy Is... compiled sales data to determine the most popular Valentine’s Day candy by state. Missouri’s favorite Valentine’s Day Candy ranking for 2022 is… ranking in 1st place- conversation hearts, 2nd place-  heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, and 3rd place- Hershey’s kisses.


Eau de Parfum French Fry

The Idaho Potato Commission has created a limited-edition potato perfume that smells like. "a fresh plate of French fries."  It has already sold out online, but there's a contest on social media to win a free bottle. Are people really wearing it or just trying to make their kitchen smell inviting?

Super Bowl Saturday?!

The Super Bowl is the game of all football games, the time to get together, snack, and cheer for one team or the other. It's a day with as much food prep as Thanksgiving for some and more anticipation than Christmas for others. Then, the very next day is Monday. Maybe that's why, in a new survey, 48% of football fans said they'd like to see the Super Bowl moved to Saturday.  A bold 14% admitted that they've called in sick to work on the Monday after.

Here's The Right Way to Butter Your Bread

Thank goodness for the etiquette expert on YouTube to correct our bad bread buttering style. He claims we've all been buttering bread wrong our entire life.  "Wrong" as in you're doing it like an uncultured peasant. Here's the "right" way, or the way to do it in public because you know you're going to spread it how you always have in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Step One:  Take a piece of bread or a bread roll, and put it on your plate.

Step Two:  Use a knife to put a small amount of butter on your plate that's just for you.  You shouldn't take it from the dish and put it directly on your bread because, "that's disgusting."

Step Three:  Take your piece of bread and break it up into smaller, bite-sized pieces with your hands.

Step Four:  Butter each bite-sized piece individually before you eat it.  Never butter them all at once.

There you go, he claims that's the classy way to do it.

Do You Snack Like a Rams or a Bengals Fan?

If you're not sure who to root for on Sunday, maybe your food choices can help you decide. A new survey on Super Bowl snacks broke it down. It found that while fans in both cities named potato chips as their favorite snack,  L.A. fans shared a stronger love for COOKIES than fans in Cincinnati. Rams fans are more into spicy snacks and guacamole and Bengals fans are more interested in salsa and buffalo chicken dip.

Local Running

There's two opportunities for you to race this weekend in the 417 area. The Cabin Fever Reliever and the Cupid Shuffle are happening Saturday, February 12, 2022. Learn more at the links how to run, walk, or volunteer.

The Keys to Love

The little things can have big returns on relationships.  A recent poll found the top keys to a happy relationship include being silly around each other. Even arguing twice a month is a good thing. Here are the top ten from the list:


1.  Spending lots of quality time together.

2.  Taking care of each other when you're sick.

3.  Feeling like you can be yourself with them.

4.  Encouraging them to pursue their own hobbies and interests.

5.  You let them see you at your best, and worst.

6.  Cuddling.

7.  Being respectful to them in front of other people.

8.  Making regular plans together.

9.  Being proud of their achievements.

10.  Being silly with each other.

A few others on the long list were, sharing a sense of humor, trying new things together, splitting chores and responsibilities evenly, and remembering important occasions, like Valentine's Day.